I am a creative learning professional, experienced working with a range of audiences including families, young people, schools and community groups. In my roles as Heritage Learning Officer and Acting Head of Learning at Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village I developed the learning programme as part of a HLF capital development project. I was part of the Engage Extend Leadership programme 2016-17, during which I worked in a team developing open ended evaluation approaches to community learning programmes.
In my role at UCM, I fed into strategic programmes working with schools, Arts Award and young people across the Museums and explored how Arts Award and young people’s engagement with the Museums can support Widening Participation (WP) initiatives in departments, colleges and the Admissions Office at the University of Cambridge. I am currently Education Manager at Wysing Arts Centre.
Lucy Shipp
Learning Associate (Widening Participation and Arts Award), The University of Cambridge Museums
Image above: Young Producer performs a live poem about themes of Bestiality in the Collection as part of a YP Takeover Event © The National Gallery